About Best College Quest

Who We Are

Best College Quest has an unquenchable thrust for accumulating resources and catering them to the needs of different students. Whether it’s information financial aid, reviewing colleges, comparing college programs, or exploring facilities, we offer free guides and school rankings that de-stress students in their quest for higher education.

While offering resources, “unbiasedness” is at the core of Best College Quest’s editorial policy. By any means, we are highly motivated to pass on fair judgments. That’s why we only provide resources that we believe are transparent to the best of our knowledge, without any personal prejudice or bias.

We consider information and data-driven content an inevitable tool to access high-quality education, and we exist only to help aspiring students achieve their dream education. To turn this vision to life, we are on a never-ending quest to fact-finding to help students make informed decisions about their educational endeavors and help them choose their desired paths and careers.

Our Editorial Guidelines

We adhere to our own ‘methodology’ that helps us eliminate biasedness in our resources for students (reviews, comparisons, or rankings). We take National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) and the Common Data Set (CDS) as key data sources, widely accepted for accurate information on education across the United States.

We also collect data through online surveys when it’s essential to present valuable experiences for aspiring students and readers to make better judgments. Apart from maintaining the standards for our sources, the following guidelines are part of the editorial policy:

  1. We do not rank schools or programs based on any unethical financial gain.
  2. In each ranking scope, we evaluate all schools using the same criteria, award scores based on specific criteria such as program costs, admission rate, etc., not based on the overall impression.
  3. We have a self-serving ‘re-evaluating’ process to eradicate any forms of bias, inaccuracy, or prejudice. Our contributors, writers, editors, and reviewers abide by consistent editorial best practices to ensure a balanced presentation of facts. To learn more, check out our editorial process.
  4. We rank schools or programs only that are nationally or regionally accredited to ensure the highest degree of quality assurance and transparency.